Programming Club logo

Programming Club

About Us

We are a group of students who are passionate about programming and want to share our knowledge with others. The club is open to all students at UTAS, regardless of your experience level. We also welcome programmers from other universities and the community! We meet every week to work on projects, learn new skills, and have fun!

To focus our learning and efforts, the Club runs various projects which members are encouraged to contribute to. See the projects page for more details. Our main aim is to push people to improve while keeping projects accessible for people with varying skill levels and abilities.

If anyone has any questions for the Club, please send us a message via either Discord or Email.

Club members in a large room with a big screen at a weekly meetup

CommitteeLink icon

The Club’s affairs are managed by the Committee.

If you wish to contact a committee member via Discord, please do it via our server unless they give permission to do so privately. We would prefer if sensitive matters were handled via email.

For the 2024-2025 Club year, the Committee is made up by the following people (preferred names, if any, are in brackets):

PresidentLink icon

The president is to act as the chairperson at meetings, and act as a spokesperson for the Club.
Officeholder: Kentaro Watts
Portrait of Kentaro Watts

TreasurerLink icon

The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the Club’s financial activities, keeping accurate records of funds and assets, and preparing and presenting budgets for new or ongoing projects.
Officeholder: Lachlan McKay
Portrait of Lachlan McKay

SecretaryLink icon

The Secretary ensures meetings are effectively organised and minuted, maintains effective membership records, and documents the Club’s communication and correspondence.
Officeholder: Cameron Munro
Portrait of Cameron Munro

Southern Technical Support OfficerLink icon

The Southern Technical Support Officer runs the Club’s projects and meetups, and help members with programming issues and learning to code, focusing on southern Tasmania.
Officeholder: Joshua Wierenga
Email: , this is subject to change
Portrait of Joshua Wierenga

Marketing OfficerLink icon

The Marketing Officer prepares and distributes advertising material, and tries to get members to attend the Club’s events.
Officeholder: Kat Carolan
Portrait of Kat Carolan

Northern Technical Support OfficerLink icon

The Northern Technical Support Officer runs the Club’s projects and meetups, and help members with programming issues and learning to code, focusing on northern Tasmania.
Officeholder: Michael Dacey
Email: Currently does not have a dedicated email, please just use for the now
Placeholder image for portrait

General MembersLink icon

General Members have no specific responsibilies but are required to assist with the Club’s activities whenever necessary.

  • Tran (Luke), Hau Duc
  • Oliver Kulinski

Unfilled positionsLink icon

In addition to the positions listed above, we also have some that are currently unfilled:

  • Northern and Southern Education Officers
    The Education Officer(s) would coördinate the Club’s events with UTAS and act as the primary contact(s) for staff.
  • Northern and Southern Events Officers
    The Event Officers(s) would plan and help run the Club’s events.
  • Northern Marketing Officer
    The Northern Marketing Officer would prepare and distribute advertising material, and try to get members to attend the Club’s events, focusing on northern Tasmania.
  • Two General Member positions

Members are encouraged to contact us if they are at all interested in running for these positions as we would love some assistance.

ConstitutionLink icon

The Club is governed by a constitution which is included below:
Link to fullsize copy